We have some amazing news to share with you! Gateway Trout Unlimited has received two, extremely generous challenge grants.
Two donors have offered to match any fundraising dollars from October to December of 2021 up to $10,000 -- which means that every dollar you donate during that time frame will actually be worth two dollars. If GTU raises $10,000 from its members and donors, it will actually receive $20,000 with the matching grants.
Make any donation and it will be doubled, providing GTU the funds needed to continue with our existing and future conservation, fellowship, and education programs.
These programs include:
Donate once and make twice the impact. Remember we are an all-volunteer organization, 100% of all funds will be used on our programs.
No money is used for salaries, benefits, overhead, etc.
Gateway Trout Unlimited is registered 501(c)(3) organization. All documents can be found on our Donation Page.
Thank you for your support and please share this page with others that may be interested in supporting coldwater conservation efforts in Missouri.
Two donors have offered to match any fundraising dollars from October to December of 2021 up to $10,000 -- which means that every dollar you donate during that time frame will actually be worth two dollars. If GTU raises $10,000 from its members and donors, it will actually receive $20,000 with the matching grants.
Make any donation and it will be doubled, providing GTU the funds needed to continue with our existing and future conservation, fellowship, and education programs.
These programs include:
- Project Brown Trout: a multi-year Brown trout egg planting study
- Multi-year Brown trout habitat study (tree canopy, water quality and invertebrate studies)
- Project Redband: a multi-year rainbow trout genetic and habitat study focused on wild reproducing populations in Missouri
- Increase our annual tree planting
- Help fund the proposed GTU/James Foundation public shelter at Maramec Spring Park
- Spring and Fall Youth Events
- and additional programs
Donate once and make twice the impact. Remember we are an all-volunteer organization, 100% of all funds will be used on our programs.
No money is used for salaries, benefits, overhead, etc.
Gateway Trout Unlimited is registered 501(c)(3) organization. All documents can be found on our Donation Page.
Thank you for your support and please share this page with others that may be interested in supporting coldwater conservation efforts in Missouri.